Page:Works of Thomas Carlyle - Volume 04.djvu/181

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JUNE 2, 1793]

Central Insurrection Committee had arrested Madame Roland; imprisoned her in the Abbaye. Roland has fled, no man knows whither.

Thus fell the Girondins, by Insurrection; and became extinct as a Party: not without a sigh from most Historians. The men were men of parts, of Philosophic culture, decent behaviour; not condemnable in that they were but Pedants, and had not better parts; not condemnable, but most unfortunate. They wanted a Republic of the Virtues, wherein themselves should be head; and they could only get a Republic of the Strengths, wherein others than they were head.

For the rest, Barrère shall make Report of it. The night concludes with a 'civic promenade by torchlight':[1] surely the true reign of Fraternity is now not far?

  1. Buzot, Mémoires, p. 310. See Pièces Justificatives, of Narratives, Commentaries, etc. in Buzot, Louvet, Meillan; Documens Complémentaires, in Hist. Parl. xxviii. 1–78.