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Abbaye, massacres at, iii. 27; Jourgniac, Sicard, and Maton's account of doings there, 31–38.

Acceptation, grande, by Louis xvi., ii. 195–203.

Adam, Father: see St. Huruge, Marquis.

Agoust, Captain d', seizes two Parlementeers, i. 102.

Aiguillon, Duke d', at Quiberon, i. 2; account of, 3; in favour, 3; at death of Louis xv., 22.

Aintrigues, Count d', notice of, i. 117.

Altar of Fatherland in Champ-de-Mars, ii. 65; petition and scene at, 192; christening at, 253.

Amiral, assassin, iii. 265; guillotined, 269.

Anglas, Boissy d', President, First of Prairial, iii. 308.

Angoulême, Duchesse d', parts from her father, iii. 108.

Angremont, Collenot d', guillotined, iii. 9.

Ankarström: see Sweden.

Antoinette, Marie, splendour of, i. 32; applauded, 40; compromised by Diamond Necklace, 57; griefs of, 93, 148; her presentiments, 108; weeps, unpopular, 223; at dinner of Guards, 247; courage of, 275; Fifth October, at Versailles, 278; shows herself to mob, 283; and Louis at Tuileries, ii. 4; and the Lorrainer, 60; and Mirabeau, 123, 137; previous to flight, 156; flight from Tuileries, 159; captured, 180; and Barnave, 188; in dilemma, 224; Coblentz intrigues, 224; and Lamotte's Mémoires, 239; during Twentieth June, 261; during Tenth August, 293–297; behaviour as captive, 305; and Princess de Lamballe, iii. 29; in Temple Prison, 80; parting scene with King, 108; to the Conciergerie, 193; trial of, 194; on quitting Vienna, 196; guillotined, 197.

Applauders, hired, ii. 225, 234.

Argonne Forest, occupied by Dumouries, iii. 21; Bruswick at, 51.

Aristocrats, officers in French army, ii. 74; number of, in Paris, iii. 8; seized, 15; condition in 1794, 245.

Arles, state of, ii. 218.

Arms, smiths making, i. 179, 183; search for, 180; at Charleville, 182; at Hôtel des Invalids, 185–188; manufacture of, ii. 135, 150; in 1794, iii. 235; scarcity of, in 1792, 10; Danton's search for, 13,

Army, French, after Bastille, ii. 72–79; officered by aristocrats, 74; to be disbanded, 78; demands arrears, 80, 86: general mutiny of, 80; outbreak of, 81, 86, 87, 95; Nanci military executions, 93; Royalists leave, 106; bad state of, 234, 254; iii. 18, 53; in want, 77; recruited, 229, 230; Revolutionary, 133, 190, 192, 214; fourteen armies on foot, 240, 296.

Arras, guillotine at, iii. 222. See Lebon.

Arrests in August 1792, iii. 16.

Arsenal, attempt to burn, i. 188.

Artois, M. d', ways of, i. 33; unpopularity of, 87; memorial by, 117; fled, 202; at Coblentz, ii. 230; will not return, 238.

Assemblies, French, Primary and Secondary, i. 121.

Assembly, National, Third Estate becomes, i. 159; to be extruded, 160; stands grouped in the rain, 161; occupies Tennis-Court, 162; scene there, 162; joined by clergy, etc., 163, 167; doings on King's speech, 164, 165; ratified by King, 167; cannon pointed at, 168; regrets Necker, 184; after Bastille, 198, 200.

Assembly, Constituent, National, becomes, i. 214; pedantic, Irregular Verbs, 215; what it can do, 217; Night of Pentecost, 219 (and ii. 229); Left and Right side, 220 (and ii. 12); dull, 222; raises money, 240; on the Veto, 241; Fifth October, women, 251, 256, 262; in Paris Riding-Hall, ii. 5; on deficit, assignats, 8; on clergy, 9; and riot, 18; prepares for Louis's visit, 35; on Federation, 50; Anacharsis