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Besenval, Baron, Commandant of Paris, on French Finance, i. 64; in riot of Rue St. Antoine, 139; on corruption of Guards, 170, 171; at Champ-de-Mars, 184; apparition to, 187; decamps, 199; and Louis xvi., 223.

Béthune, riot at, i. 171.

Beurnonville, with Dumouriez, imprisoned, iii. 146.

Bill-stickers, Paris, ii. 28, 107.

Billaud-Varennes, Jacobin, ii. 243, 246; cruel, iii. 25; at massacres, Sept. 1792, 39; in Salut Committee, 231; and Robespierre's Être Suprême, 268; accuses Robespierre, 279; accused, 301; banished, 302; at Surinam, 310.

Birmingham riot, ii. 229.

Blanc, Le, landlord at Varennes, ii. 180; family take to the woods, iii. 20.

Blood, baths of, i. 12.

Bonchamps, in La Vendée War, iii. 12,

Bonnemère, Aubin, at Siege of Bastille, i. 191, 192.

Bouillé at Metz, ii. 93, 124; account of, 71; character of, 97; his troops mutinous, 79; and Salm regiment, 80; intrepidity of, 81, 85; marches on Nanci, 92; quells Nanci mutineers, 93–97; at Mirabeau'a funeral, 144; expects fugitive King, 170; would liberate King, 184; emigrates, 185.

Bouillé Junior, asleep at Varennes, ii. 179; flies to father, 183.

Bordeaux, priests hanged at, ii. 268; for Girondism, iii. 152, 177.

Boyer, duellist, ii. 119.

Boyer-Fonfrède, notice of, ii. 44.

Brennus, reminiscence of, iii. 72.

Brest, sailors revolt, ii. 101; state of, in 1791, 222; Fédérés in Paris, 281; in 1793, iii. 214.

Bréteuil, Home-Secretary, i. 98.

Breton Club, germ of Jacobins, i. 104,

Bretons, deputations of, i. 104; Girondins, iii. 176.

Brézé, Marquis de, his mode of ushering, i. 131; and National Assembly, 160, 165; extraordinary etiquette, 165.

Brienne, Loménie, anti-protestant, i. 37; in Notables, 73; Controller of Finance, 76; incapacity of, 78; edicts by, 80; failure of, 83; arrests Paris Parlement, 84; exasperated, sick, 95; secret scheme, 97; scheme discovered, 98; arrests two Parlementeers, 101; bewildered, 106; desperate shifts by, 107; wishes for Necker, 108; dismissed, and provided for, 109; his effigy burnt, 111.

Brigands, the, origin of, i. 126; in Paris, 127, 204; ii. 237; of Avignon, 212.

Brissac, Duke de, commands Constitutional Guard, ii. 196; disbanded, 240.

Brissot, edits Moniteur, i. 135; friend of Blacks, ii. 11; in First Parliament, 206; plans in 1792, 235; active in Assembly, 242; in Jacobins, 246; at Roland's, 248; pelted in Assembly, 275; arrested, iii. 162, 178; trial of, 197; guillotined, 199.

Brittany, commotions in, i. 13, 104, 123.

Broglie, Marshal, against Plenary Court, i. 105; in command, 156, 170; in office, 176; dismissed, 202.

Brunout, M., among Menads, i. 266.

Brunswick, Duke, marches on France, ii. 254 (iii. 10); advances, Proclamation, 277; at Verdun, iii. 88; at Argonne, 51; at Valmy, 56; retreats, 59.

Buffon, Mme. de, and Duke d'Orléans, i. 92; at D'Orléans' execution, iii. 209.

Burke on French Revolution, ii. 228.

Buttafuoco, Napoleon's letter to, ii. 77.

Buzot, in National Convention, iii. 49, 152; arrested, 162; retreats to Bordeaux, 177, 189; end of, 201.

Ça-ira, origin of, ii. 34.

Cabanis, Physician to Mirabeau, ii. 141.

Cabarus, Mlle., and Tallien, iii. 216; imprisoned, urgent, 274; her soirées, 292–295.

Caen, Girondins at, iii. 164, 178.

Calendar, Romme's new, iii. 183–186; comparative ground-scheme of, 186.

Colonne, M. de, Financier, character of, i. 66; suavity and genius of, 67; his difficulties, 70, 71; at bay, 73; dismissed, 75; marriage and after-course, 75.

Calvados, for Girondism, iii. 152.

Cambon, notice of, ii. 207.

Campan, Mme., Memoirs by, i. 24 n.

Camus, Archivist, ii. 209; in National Convention, iii. 58; with Dumouriez, imprisoned, 146.

Candeille, Mlle., Goddess of Reason, iii. 227.

Cannon, Siamese, i. 180; wooden, iii. 11; fever, Goethe on, 55.

Cant defined, i. 55.

Carmagnole, costume, what, iii. 214; dances in Convention, 226.

Carnot, Hippolyte, notice of, ii. 306; plan for Toulon, iii. 219; busy, 231; discovery in Robespierre's pocket, 375.

Carpentras, against Avignon, ii. 213.

Carra, on plots for King's flight, ii. 125; in National Convention, iii. 49.

Carrier, a Revolutionist, ii. 19; in Na-