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Hulin, half-pay, at siege of Bastille, i. 195.

Huns, Attilla's, long arms of, iii. 3.

Ideals, realised, i. 8.

Inisdal's, Count d', plot, ii. 121.

Insurrection, most sacred of duties, i. 250; of Women, 239–282; of August Tenth, ii. 286–294; difficult, 290; of Paris, against Girondins, 1793, iii. 157–163; sacred right of, 250, 252, 277, 281, 290, 295, 316, 319; last Sansculottic, 306–309; of Babœuf, 321.

Irish Sans-Potato, iii. 312.

Isnard, Max, notice of, ii. 44; in First Parliament, 205; on Ministers, 242; to demolish Paris, iii. 156; will demit, 160; recalled, 291.

Jacob, Jean Claude, eldest of men, ii. 54.

Jacobins, Society, germ of, i. 104; Hall, described, and members, ii. 31; Journal, etc., of, 32; daughters of, 32, 110; at Nanci, suppressed, 99; Club increases, 110; and Mirabeau, 113, 137; prospers, 242; 'Lords of the Articles,' 244; extinguishes Feuillans, 244; Hall enlarged, described, 245; and Marseillese, 282; and Lavergne, iii. 13; message to Dumouriez, 64; missionaries in Army, 84, 139; on King's trial, 85; on accusation of Robespierre, 87; against Girondins, 88, 152; National Convention and, 180, 233; Popular Tribunals of, 215; Couthon's Question in, 248; purges members, 250; to become dominant, 275; locked out by Legendre, 283; begs back its keys, 290; decline of, 301; mobbed, suspended, 301; hunted down, 305.

Jacobinism, spirit of, iii. 236.

Jalès, Camp of, ii. 11; Royalists at, 235; destroyed, 236.

Jaucourt, Chevalier, and Liberty, ii. 207.

Jay, Dame le, bookseller, ii. 27.

Jemappes, battle of, iii. 83.

Jesuitism and Dame Dubarry, i. 16.

Jokei, French, described, i. 48.

Jones, Paul, equipped for America, i. 44; at Paris, account of, ii. 21, 60; burial of, 275.

Jounneau, Deputy, in danger in September, iii. 39.

Jourdan, General, repels Austria, iii. 239.

Jourdan, Coupe-tête, at Versailles, i. 264, 280; leader of Avignon Brigands, ii. 212; costume of 213; supreme in Avignon, 216; massacre by, 216; flight of, 218; guillotined, iii. 215.

Jourgniac. See St. Méard.

Journals (see Paris); placard, ii. 28, 107.

Julien, Sieur Jean, guillotined, iii. 22.

June Twentieth, 1792, ii. 259.

Justice, bed of, i. 82.

Kaunitz, Prince, denounces Jacobins, ii. 244.

Kellermann, at Valmy, iii. 56.

Kings, primitive, i. 9; divine right of, 10.

Kingship, decline of, in France, i. 9.

Klopstock, naturalised, iii. 6.

Knox, John, and the Virgin, ii. 99.

Korff, Baroness de, in flight to Varennes, ii. 169; is Dame de Tourzel, 163.

Lacroix, of Mountain, ii. 207.

Lafarge, President of Jacobins, Madame Lavergne and, iii. 13.

Lafayette, bust of, erected, i. 46, 201; against Calonne, 72; demands by, in Notables, 78; Cromwell-Grandison, 145; Bastille time, Vice-President of National Assembly, 185, 200; General of National Guard, 201; resigns and reaccepts, 208; Scipio-Americanus, 233; thanked, rewarded, 242; French Guards and, 258; to Versailles, 259; at Versailles, Fifth October, 273; swears the Guards, 283; Feuillant, ii. 33; on abolition of Titles, 52; at Champ-de-Mars Federation, 63; at De Castries' riot, 118; character of, 120; in Day of Poniards, 130; difficult position of, 133; at King's going to St. Cloud, 152; resigns and reaccepts, 153; at flight from Tuileries, 160; after escape of King, 164; moves for amnesty, 197; resigns, 202; decline of, 243; doubtful against Jacobins, 254, 258, 270; fruitless journey to Paris, 265; to be accused? 275; flies to Holland, 307.

Laflotte, prison-plot, informer, iii. 269, 270.

Laïs, Sieur, Jacobin, with Louis Philippe, ii. 33.

Lally, death of, i. 85. See Tollendal.

Lamarche, guillotined, iii. 210.

Lamarck's, Mirabeau sick at, ii. 140.

Lamballe, Princess de, to England, ii. 169; intrigues for Royalists, 227, 249; at La Force, iii. 116; massacred, 29.

Lambesc, Prince, attacks Bust-procession, July 1789, i. 176.

Lameth, in Constituent Assembly, one of a trio, i. 221; brothers, notice of, ii. 6; Jacobins, 31; Charles, duel with Duke de Castries, 117; brothers become constitutional, 189; Theodore, in First Parliament, 207.