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lodged at Tuileries, 2; Restorer of French Liberty, 3; no hunting, locksmith, 4; schemes, 35; visits Assembly, 36; Federation, 58, 60, 63; Hereditary Representative, 120, 154; will fly, 120; and D'Inisdal's plot, 122; his Aunts fly, 126; Mirabeau, 136; useless, 137; indecision of, 149; ill of catarrh, 151; prepares for St. Cloud, 152; hindered by populace, 152; effect, should he escape, 152; prepares for flight, his circular, 157; flies, 160; letter to Assembly, 165; manner of flight, 168; loiters by the way, 169–172; detected by Drouet, 174; near Varennes, 178; captured at Varennes, 180; indecision there, 181–183; return to Paris, 186; reception there, 187; to be deposed? 188–190; reinstated, 195; reception of Legislative, 209; position of, 223; proposes war, with tears, 250; vetoes, dissolves Roland Ministry, 256; in riot of Twentieth June, 262; and Pétion, 267, 288; at Federation, with cuirass, 274; declared forfeited, 285, 305; last levee of, 285; Tenth August, 294, 296; quits Tuileries for Assembly, 297; in Assembly, 303; sent to Temple prison, 306; in Temple, iii. 80; to be tried, 84, 89; and the Locksmith Gamain, 89; at the bar, 92; his will, 94; condemned, 100–105; parting scene, 108; execution of, 109–111; his son, 262.

Louis-Philippe, King of the French, Jacobin door-keeper, ii. 33; at Valmy, iii. 58; bravery at Jemappes, 84; and sister, 145; with Dumouriez to Austrians, 147; to Switzerland, 148; teaches Mathematics, 209.

Loustalot, Editor, i. 235; ii. 27.

Louvet, his Chevalier de Faublas, i. 60; his Sentinelles, ii. 28; and Robespierre, 246; in National Convention, iii. 49; Girondin accuses Robespierre, 86, 130; arrested, 162; retreats (one of Eleven) to Bordeaux, 177, 189; escape of, 200; recalled, 291.

Lückner, Supreme General, ii. 71; and Dumouries, 270; guillotined, iii. 213.

Lunéville, Inspector Malseigne at, ii. 90.

Lux, Adam, on death of Charlotte Corday, iii. 171; guillotined, 207.

Luxembourg, forges at, iii. 190; Palace, a prison, 213.

Lyons, Federation at, ii. 45; disorders in, iii. 125; Chalier, Jacobin, executed at, 172; bombarded, powder-tower of, 187; captured, 216; massacres at, 217.

Magnetic vellum, the, ii. 40.

Mailhe, Deputy, on trial of Louis, iii. 85.

Maillard, Usher, at siege of Bastille, i. 193, 196; Insurrection of Women, drum, Champs Élysées, 254, 255; entering Versailles, 260; addresses National Assembly there, 262; signs Déchéance petition, ii. 192; in September Massacres, iii. 27.

Maillé, Camp-Marshal, at Tuileries, ii. 287, 289; massacred at La Force, iii. 36.

Mailly, Marshal, one of Four Generals, 1790, ii. 71.

Malesherbes, M. de, in King's Council, i. 87; remark by, 93; defends Louis, iii. 94, 104; Louis returns money to, 109; guillotined, 226.

Malseigne, Army Inspector, at Nanci, ii. 88–90; imprisoned, 91; liberated, 94.

Man, rights and mights of, i. 219, 227; ii. 5.

Mandat, Commander of Guards, August 1792, ii. 287; death of, 292.

Manége, Salle de, Constituent Assembly occupies, ii. 5.

Manuel, Jacobin, slow-sure, ii. 243; in August Tenth, 294; in Governing Committee, iii. 7; haranguing at La Force, 34; in National Convention, 49; dubs D'Orléans, 51; motions in National Convention, 58; vote at King's trial, 102; in prison, 194; guillotined, 213.

Marat, Jean Paul, horseleech to D'Artois, i. 49; notice of, 136; against violence, 174; at siege of Bastille, 194; summoned by Constituent, not to be gagged, 235; astir, 249; how to regenerate France, ii. 15, 107; police and, 25; on abolition of titles, 53; would gibbet Mirabeau, 108; bust in Jacobins, 245; concealed in cellars, 281; pulls tocsin rope, 290; in seat of honour, iii. 8, 24; signs circular, 44; elected to Convention, 49; and Dumouriez, 65; oaths by, in Convention, 71; first appearance in Convention, pistol, 74; against Roland, 99; on sufferings of People, 118; and Girondins, 126; arrested, 150; returns in triumph, 152; fall of Girondins, 162; sick, his residence, 168; and Charlotte Corday, 169; honours to, 170, 300.

Marat, Company of, iii. 214.

Maréchal, Atheist, Calendar by, iii. 183.

Maréchale, the Lady, on nobility, i. 12.

Marseilles, Brigands at, i. 169; on Déchéance, the bar of iron, ii. 190; for Girondism, iii. 152, 165, 173; guillotine at, 215.