Page:Works of Thomas Carlyle - Volume 06.djvu/169

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Hamond’s with his leading staff-ensign and drum. Mr. Castle is secured at Sheriff Greenwood’s. That night letters from Yarmouth informed the Colonel,[1] That they had that day, that day, made stay of Sir John Wentworth, and of one Captain Allen from Lowestoff, who had come thither to change dollars; both of whom are yet secured;—and further, That the Town of Lowestoff had received-in divers strangers, and was fortifying itself.

‘The Colonel advised no man might enter in or out the gates “of Norwich,” that night. And the next morning, between five and six, with his five troops, with Captain Fountain’s, Captain Rich’s, and eight of our Norwich Volunteers, he marched towards Lowestoff; where he was to meet with the Yarmouth Volunteers, who brought four or five pieces of ordnance. The Town “of Lowestoff” had blocked themselves up; all except where they had placed their ordnance, which were three pieces; before which a chain was drawn to keep off the horse.

‘The Colonel summoned the Town, and demanded, If they would deliver-up their strangers, the Town and their army?—promising them then favour, if so; if not, none. They yielded to deliver-up their strangers, but not to the rest. Whereupon our Norwich dragoons crept under the chain before mentioned; and came within pistol-shot of their ordnance; proffering to fire upon their cannoneer,—who fled: so they gained the two pieces of ordnance, and broke the chain; and they and the horse entered the Town without more resistance. Where presently eighteen strangers yielded themselves; among whom were, of Suffolk men: Sir T. Barker, Sir John Pettus;—of Norfolk, Mr. Knyvett of Ashwellthorpe, “whom we are to meet again”; Mr. Richard Catelyn’s Son,—some say his Father too was there in the morning; Mr. F. Cory, my unfortunate cousin, who I wish would have been better persuaded.

‘Mr. Brooke, the sometime minister of Yarmouth, and some others, escaped, over the river. There was good store

  1. ‘viz. Cromwell,’ adds D’Ewes