Page:Works of Voltaire Volume 02.djvu/154

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The Atheist and the Sage.

the massacre of all the children of the country? On the trouble the devil took to carry God into the wilderness, to place him on a pinnacle of the temple, and on the summit of a mountain from whence he beheld all the kingdoms of the world? On the miracle of water changed into wine at a village wedding? On the miracle of two thousand pigs drowned by the devil in a lake at the command of Jesus? On———?

Freind.—Sir, we respect these things because they are in the gospel; but we never speak of them because they are too far above our weak human reason.

The Bachelor.—But they say you never call the Holy Virgin, Mother of God?

Freind.—We revere and cherish her. But we think she cares very little for the titles given her in this world. She is never styled the Mother of God in the gospel. In the year 431 there was a great dispute at the council of Ephesus to ascertain if Mary was Theotocos; and if Jesus Christ, being at the same time God and the son of Mary, Mary could at the same time be mother of God the Father and God the Son. We do not enter into these disputes of Ephesus. The Royal Society at London does not concern itself with such controversies.

The Bachelor.—But, sir, you talk of Theotocos. What may Theotocos mean, if you please?