Page:Works of Voltaire Volume 03.djvu/157

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The Huron.

slightly sacrifice the liberty of men and the honor of women.

She did not utter a word all the way back. But having returned to her friend's, she burst out and told all that had happened. Her pious friend made frequent signs of the cross.

"My dear friend," said she, "you must consult tomorrow Father Tout-a-tous, our director. He has much influence over M. de St. Pouange. He is confessor of many of the female servants of the house. He is a pious, accommodating man, who has also the direction of some women of fashion. Yield to him; this is my way, and I always found myself right. We weak women stand in need of a man to lead us: and so, my dear friend, I'll go to-morrow in search of Father Tout-a-tous."



No sooner was the beautiful and disconsolate Miss St. Yves with her holy confessor than she told him that "a powerful, voluptuous man had proposed to her to set at liberty the man whom she intended making her lawful husband, and that he required a great price for his service; that she held such infidelity in the highest detestation, and that if her life only had been required she would much sooner have sacrificed it than to have submitted."