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The Law of Nature.

The jars amidst contending Christians bred,
More desolation through the world have spread,
Than the pretext of statesmen weak and vain,
Midst Europe's powers a balance to maintain.
See an inquisitor, with air benign,
His neighbor's body to the flames consign;
Much sorrow at the tragic scene he shows,
But takes the money to assuage his woes.
Whilst touched with zeal religious crowds advance,
And praising God, around the victim dance.
Blind zeal could oft good Catholics incite,
At leaving mass to hurry to the sight,
And threatening each their neighbor loudly cry,
"Wretch, think like me, or else this moment die."
From Paris, Calvin and his sect withdrew,
Their effigies the bloodless hangman slew.
Servetus born in torments to expire,
By Calvin's self was sentenced to the fire.
Had but Servetus been of power possessed,
The Trinitarians had been sore oppressed,
Quickly had ended all the warm dispute,
For halters can the obstinate confute.
Thus sectaries who 'gainst Arminius rose,
Bent all his tenets warmly to oppose,
In Flanders gained the martyr's glorious name,
In Holland executioners became.
Why for so many years with pious rage,
Religious wars did our forefathers wage?
From nature's law allegiance they withdrew,
Or added others dangerous as new;
And man to his own sense an abject slave,
To God his weakness and his passions gave.