Page:Works of William Blake; poetic, symbolic, and critical (1893) Volume 2.djvu/288

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she revealed herself beforo them, coming out of the mind of Satan. She is now corporeal emotion separated from corporeal reason, and her name is Sin. Leutha, Rahab, Vala, are the Female counterparts of the Head, Heart, and Loins of Satan. (LI. 40 to 50.) Now that Leutha has separated from Satan, Elynitria, the emotional mental nature, enters into Satan, and fills him with, a perverted prophetic power under the influence of which he assumes holiness, and drives Leutha from him. (As soon as corporeal emotion separates from corporeal reason they become contending powers, and instead of uniting to draw down the imaginative mind, they war with each other.)

P. 11, ll. 1 to 11. But separated emotion acknowledges the source of all things in God, whereas the low-born reason believes only in itself. Emotion asks how Reason is to be saved, and then becomes silent for a moment, only to cry out the next instant that she is the spectral side of Luvah — love. She began in the eternal life of the mind, and cannot end until "two eternities" — the spectral and emanative — meet in one.

P. 11, ll. 12 to 29. In order that Satan may be saved from eternal death or enters separation from spirit, he is formed into a symbolic body corresponding to the internal spiritual body, the imagination or the lamb, every one of the six stages of creation passes over him, and is under an especial mental state (see "Work of Urizen," also the chapters on the Cherub). Leutha "hides," or clothes herself with organized form — the fascination of corporeal life finds a dwelling-place in corporeal beauty. The Imagination is now "punished" to save Satan, by its taking on his sin. (The incarnation into the midst of the Third Church has taken place.)

P. 11, ll. 30 to 35. The self-righteous see that they only live from God, and lament in, or grow "creative" in bodily sensations, in the region of vegetative fruitfulness. The bodily life is changed into a symbol of the bodiless, and so brings the fallen mind back to the universal perceptions.