Page:Works of the Late Doctor Benjamin Franklin (1793).djvu/250

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BY the original law of nations, war and extirpation were the puniſhment of injury. Humanizing by degrees, it admitted ſlavery inſtead of death: a farther ſtep was, the exchange of priſoners inſtead of ſlavery: another, to reſpect more the property of private perſons under conqueſt, and be content with acquired dominion. Why ſhould not this law of nations go on improving? Ages have intervened between its ſeveral ſteps. but as knowledge of late increaſes rapidly, why ſhould not thoſe ſteps be quickened? Why ſhould it not be agreed to, as the future law of nations, that in any war hereafter the following deſcription of men ſhould be undiſturbed, have the protection of both ſides, and be permitted to follow their employments in ſecurity? viz.

1 . Cultivators of the earth, becauſe they labour for the ſubſiſtence of mankind.

2. Fiſhermen, for the ſame reaſon.

3. Merchants and traders in unarmed ſhips, who accommodate different nations by communicating and exchanging the neceſſaries and conveniencies of life.

4. Artiſts and mechanics, inhabiting and working in open towns.

It is hardly neceſſary to add, that the hoſpitals of enemies ſhould be unmoleſted—they aught to be aſſiſted. It is for the intereſt of humanity in general, that the occaſions of war, and the inducements to it, ſhould be diminiſhed. If rapine be abolished, one of the encouragements to war is taken away; and peace therefore more likely to continue and be laſting.