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Its nature, 286. Its principal components, 286, 287. (Section I.) — The Sorrow of Repentance. — Defined, 287. Its qualities, 287, 289. Essential to true repentance, 289, 290. Its two kinds, how termed, their character and different effects, 290-292. (Section II.)— The Purpose of not Sinning Again. — Its definition, 292. Its effects, and their necessity to reconciliation with God, 292-294. Their attainment, 294-295. (Section III.) — The doing Penance for Sin. — In what the duty consists, 296. The design, certainty, and manner of the punishment of sin, 296-300. Whence the obligation of the duty, and how this a part of true repentance, 300-306. The satisfaction of Christ in relation thereto, 306-313. Its advantages, 313, 314. (Section IV.)— The Spirit of Penance.— Defined, 316. Its effects, 316, 317. Its signs, 317, 318. By what means obtained, 318-320. (Section V.)— The Works of Penance. — Their general nature, 320, 321. Their distinct classes — (i.) those commanded under pain of sin, 322-324; (2.) those left to our own choice, 324-327; (3.) those independent of our will, 327, 328. (Section VI.) — The effects of true repentance in the remission of sin, 328-331.



Its nature, 332. Of two kinds, ib. Their respective effects, ib. (Section I.) — Actual Grace. — Its particular nature, ib. Its operation on the soul, 333. How its special virtues appear from Scripture, 333, 334. Its help essential to what is conducive to salvation, 334-337. Free-will in relation to it, 337,338. Our good works independent of it, 338, 339. Its aid the gift of God to all, 339-341. This shown with regard to true believers who are,—(i.) in a state of grace, 342, 343; (2.)of sin, 343-346; and unbelievers, 346, 347. Its effects, and what necessary on our part thereto, 347-350. How bestowed by God, 350-351. (Section II.) - Sanctifying Grace. — Its individual nature, 352-354. Its effect, 354. Its action on the soul to that end, 354-360. How increased, 360, 361. How diminished and lost, 361, 362. By what means recovered when lost by sin, 362-368.



In what a true sacrament consists, 369. Its requisites, design, and effect when received with proper dispositions, 369-376, 378, 379. The