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do all things, and overlookest the sins of men for the sake of repentance; for Thou lovest all things that are, and hatest none of the things that Thou hast made; for Thou didst not appoint or make any thing hating it. . . . But Thou sparest all, because they are Thine, O Lord, who lovest souls," Wis. xi. 24.

Q. 12. What do you mean by infinitely holy?

A. I mean that God is holiness itself, infinitely pure, and free from every spot or stain, or shadow of imperfection. Hence He is called in Scripture the Holy of Holies; and the blessed in heaven continually adore Him under this title, saying, "Holy, holy, holy. Lord God of Hosts," Isa. vi. 3.

Q. 13. What do you mean by infinitely true?

A. I mean that God is truth itself; that He never can be deceived Himself, and that it is impossible He should deceive His creatures; for " God is true, but all men are liars," Rom. iii. 4. "God is not like men, that He should lie," Num. xxiii. 19. " God is faithful in all His words," Ps. cxliv. 13. "And heaven and earth shall pass away; but My words," says He, " shall not pass away," Luke, xxi. 33.

Q. 14. What do you mean by infinitely beautiful?

A. I mean that God is beauty itself, infinitely lovely, infinitely excellent; that all the beauty and perfections which we see in creatures are but emanations of His divine beauty; and that, though all the beauties of the whole universe were collected together in one, it would be infinitely less than a spark of fire is to the sun, or a drop of water to the ocean, if compared to the beauty of God. " Let them know how much more the Lord of them is more beautiful than they; for the First Author of beauty made all those things," Wis. xiii. 3. For from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof,