Page:Writings of Saint Patrick, Apostle of Ireland.djvu/105

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Introductory Remarks.

A FRESH contribution to the Patrician literature has recently appeared in the Revue Celtique (Vol. xv., No. 2) for April, 1894. Paris: Librairie Emile Bouillon, editor: published under the superintendence of eminent Celtic scholars. The chief editors are H. d'Arbois de Jubainville, Membre de l'Institut, Professor in the College de France, with J. Loth, Dean of the Faculty of Letters at Rennes; E. Ernault, Professor of the Faculty of Letters at Poitiers, and G. Dottin, Master of Conferences of the Faculty of Letters at Rennes, Editorial Secretary. The article is written by M. Samuel Berger, Professor in the Protestant Theological Faculty, Paris, and is entitled, Confession des Péchés attribuée a saint Patrice.

This Confession is given by M. Berger in the original Latin, of which we subjoin a translation in English, in order to render our edition of The Writings of St. Patrick as complete as possible.

M. Berger states in the opening note to his article