Page:Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey (1st edition), Volume 3 (Agnes Grey).djvu/215

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know where Rosalie is gone: and why she likes to be so much alone?"

"She says she likes to be alone when she has a new book to read."

"But why can't she read it in the park or the garden;—why should she go into the fields and lanes? and how is it that that Mr. Hatfield so often finds her out? She told me last week he'd walked his horse by her side all up Moss-lane; and now I'm sure it was he I saw from my dressing-room window, walking so briskly past the park gates, and on towards the field where she so frequently goes. I wish you would go and see if she is there; and just gently remind her that it is not proper for a young lady of her rank and prospects to be wandering about by herself in that manner, exposed to the attentions of any one that presumes to address her, like some poor neglected girl that has no park to walk in, and no friends to take care of her; and tell her that her papa would be extremely angry if he knew of her treating Mr. Hatfield in that familiar manner that I fear she does; and—Oh! if you—if any governess had but half a mother's watchfulness—half a mother's anxious care, I should be saved this trouble; and you would see at once