Page:Xlib - C Language X Interface.pdf/38

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3.2. Window Attributes

All InputOutput windows have a border width of zero or more pixels, an optional background, an event suppression mask (which suppresses propagation of events from children), and a property list (see section 4.3). The window border and background can be a solid color or a pattern, called a tile. All windows except the root have a parent and are clipped by their parent. If a window is stacked on top of another window, it obscures that other window for the purpose of input.

If a window has a background (almost all do), it obscures the other window for purposes of output.

Attempts to output to the obscured area do nothing, and no input events (for example, pointer motion) are generated for the obscured area.

Windows also have associated property lists (see section 4.3). Both InputOutput and InputOnly windows have the following common attributes, which are the only attributes of an InputOnly window:

  • win-gravity
  • event-mask
  • do-not-propagate-mask
  • override-redirect
  • cursor

If you specify any other attributes for an InputOnly window, a BadMatch error results.

InputOnly windows are used for controlling input events in situations where InputOutput windows are unnecessary. InputOnly windows are invisible; can only be used to control such things as cursors, input event generation, and grabbing; and cannot be used in any graphics requests.

Note that InputOnly windows cannot have InputOutput windows as inferiors.

Windows have borders of a programmable width and pattern as well as a background pattern or tile. Pixel values can be used for solid colors. The background and border pixmaps can be destroyed immediately after creating the window if no further explicit references to them are to be made. The pattern can either be relative to the parent or absolute. If ParentRelative, the parent's background is used.

When windows are first created, they are not visible (not mapped) on the screen. Any output to a window that is not visible on the screen and that does not have backing store will be discarded.

An application may wish to create a window long before it is mapped to the screen. When a window is eventually mapped to the screen (using XMapWindow), the X server generates an Expose event for the window if backing store has not been maintained.

A window manager can override your choice of size, border width, and position for a top-level window. Your program must be prepared to use the actual size and position of the top window. It is not acceptable for a client application to resize itself unless in direct response to a human command to do so. Instead, either your program should use the space given to it, or if the space is too small for any useful work, your program might ask the user to resize the window. The border of your top-level window is considered fair game for window managers.

To set an attribute of a window, set the appropriate member of the XSetWindowAttributes structure and OR in the corresponding value bitmask in your subsequent calls to XCreateWindow and XChangeWindowAttributes, or use one of the other convenience functions that set the appropriate attribute. The symbols for the value mask bits and the XSetWindowAttributes structure are: