Page:Yevgeni Alekseyevich Preobrazhensky - Third Anniversary of the Russian October Revolution (1921).djvu/29

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creches, homes and colonies for children continuously increases. Communal feeding is being introduced, protection of labour is being improved. In spite of the lack of medicine, our fight with disease and epidemics is improving every year. And all these successes were achieved by the workers and peasants amidst a sanguinary war. We can therefore imagine how tremendous will be our achievements when we have done with war at last, and all our energies are directed to peaceful labour.

The celebration of the Third Anniversary of the October Revolution will not be festive this year. Our enemies are not defeated yet. The harvest this year was bad, many hard trials are awaiting us; we shall have to stand a good deal of cold, hunger, misery, and hard work. But the workers and peasants of Russia know one thing. They are on the right road; there is no return to the old, and the victory will be theirs. Toiling Russia, poor, ruined, bleeding from many wounds, will yet have her reward for her great suffering: if not this year, it will nevertheless, in the near future, celebrate its final triumph: she will then bow before the heroes of the October Revolution, who created the first government of the toilers in the world.

Kirkwood & Co., Printers, 127 Stockwell Street, Glagow.