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and feeling. And think how many years he has been a trader ! A retail trader, certainly, a jobber, but still

"Come, Reb Yitzchok-Yossel, make an end! What will you turn it into?"


"That is to say?"

"A dressing-gown for your Dvoshke, "

"And then?"

"A morning-gown with tassels, "

"After that?"

"A coat."


"A dress"

"And besides that?"

"A pair of trousers and a jacket "

"Nothing more?"

"Why not? A"

"For instance?"

"Pelisse, a wadded winter pelisse for you."

"There, there ! Just that, and only that !" said Reb Binyomin, delighted.

Yitzchok-Yossel Broitgeber tucked away the quilt under his arm, and was preparing to be off.

"Reb Yitzchok-Yossel! And what about taking my measure ? And how about your charge ?"

Yitzchok-Yossel dearly loved to take anyone's meas- ure, and was an expert at so doing. He had soon pulled a fair-sized sheet of paper out of one of his deep pockets, folded it into a long paper stick, and begun to measure Reb Binyomin Droibnik's limbs. He did not even omit to note the length and breadth of his feet.