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"We have come to visit the sick," said the voice.

The door opened, and there came in four workmen at once.

At first Eeb Shloimeh could not believe his eyes, but soon a smile appeared upon his lips, and he tried to sit up.

"Come, come!" he said joyfully, and his heart beat rapidly with pleasure.

The workmen remained standing some way from the bed, not venturing to approach the sick man, but Reb Shloimeh called them to him.

"Nearer, nearer, children !" he said.

They came a little nearer.

"Come here, to me !" and he pointed to the bed.

They came up to the bed.

"Well, what are you all about?" he asked with a smile.

The workmen were silent.

"Why did you not come last night?" he asked, and looked at them smiling.

The workmen were silent, and shuffled with their feet.

"How are you, Reb Shloimeh ?" asked one of them.

"Very well, very well," answered Reb Shloimeh, still smiling. "Thank you, children ! Thank you !"

"Sit down, children, sit down." he said after a pause. "I will tell you some more stories."

"It will tire you, Reb Shloimeh," said a workman. "When you are better "

"Sit down, sit down!" said Reb Shloimeh, im- patiently. "That's my business !" 23