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did not know what he meant. He begged them to send the workmen to him, and it was done.

He tried to sit up; those around helped him.

"Thank you chilldren for coming thank you !" he said. "Stop weeping !" he implored of the bystanders. "I want to die quietly I want every one to to be as happy as I am ! Live, all of you, in the hope of a good time as I die in that hope. Dear chil dren " and he turned to the workmen, "I told you last night how man has lived so far. How he lives now, you know for yourselves but the coming time will be a very happy one : all will be happy all ! Only work honestly, and learn! Learn, children! Every- thing will be all right ! All will be hap "

A sweet smile appeared on his lips, and Eeb Shloi- meh died.

In the town they but what else could they say in the town of a man who had died without repeating the Confession, without a tremor at his heart, without any sign of repentance? What else could they say of a man who spent his last minutes in telling people to learn, to educate themselves? What else could they say of a man who left his whole capital to be devoted to educational purposes and schools?

What was to be expected of them, when his own family declared in court that their father was not responsible when he made his last will?

Forgive them, Reb' Shloimeh, for they mean well they know not what they say and do.