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STUFFED MONKEYS. Pastry filled with chopped fruit and spices.

TALLIS (popular plural formation, Tallesim) (Heb.). The prayer-scarf.


TALMID-CHOCHEM (Heb.). Sage; scholar.

TALMUD TOBAH (Heb.). Free communal school.

TANO (Heb.). A Rabbi cited in the Mishnah as an authority.

TABABAM. Noise; tumult; ado.

TATE, TATISHE (Ger. and Russ. dimin.). Father.

TEFILLIN-SACKLECH (Heb. and Ger.). Phylacteries bag.

TISHO-B'OV (Heb.). Ninth of Ab, day of mourning and fast- ing to commemorate the destruction of Jerusalem; hence, colloquially, a sad day.

TOBAH (Heb.). The Jewish Law in general, and the Penta- teuch in particular.

TSISIN. Season.

TZADDIK (pi. Tzaddikim) (Heb.). "Righteous"; title of the Chassidic leader.

U-MIPNE CHATOENU (Heb.). " And on account of our sins," the first two words of a prayer for the restoration of the sacrificial service, recited in the Additional Service of the Holy Days and the festivals.

U-NEsANNEH-ToiKEr (Heb.). "And we ascribe majesty," the first two words of a Piyyut recited on New Year and on the Day of Atonement.

VEBFALLEN! (Ger.). Lost; done for.

VEBSHOK (Russ.). Two inches and a quarter.

VIEBEB (Ger.). Four kopeks.

VIVAT. Toast.

YESHIVEH (Heb.). Talmud Academy.

YOHBZEIT (Ger.). Anniversary of a death.

YOM KIPPUB (Heb.). Day of Atonement.

YOM-TOV (Heb.). Festival.

ZHYDEK (Little Russ.). Jew.