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While the bride-maids fair do gravely prepare,
For throwing of the stocking O.
Dacadens we'll have says father Danes
And the bride was kissed genteelly O.
While, to wish them fun, the merry pipes,
Struck up a lilt so gaily O.
Teddery, teddery &c.


My Peggy is a young thing,
Just entered in her teens,
Fair at the day, and sweet as May,
Fair as the day, and always gay.
My Peggy is a young thing,
And I'm not very auld,
Yet weel I like to meet her at
The wauking o' the fauld.

My Peggy speaks sae sweetly,
Whene'er we meet alane,
I wish nae mair to lay my care,
I wish nae mair of a' that's rare.
My Peggy speaks sae sweetly,
To a' the lave I'm cauld,
But she gars a' my spirits glow,
At wauking o' the fauld.