Page:York dialogue between Ned and Harry, or, Ned giving Harry an account of his courtship and marriage state.pdf/2

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Ned gives Harry an account of his Courtſhip and Marriage State.

HONEST Harry! I am glad to ſee you! You're welcome to York: You're a great ſtranger. When came you to town.

Harry. I came to your town laſt night, Ned, and am glad to ſee you. I enquir'd after you of my landlord and he told me, you was well and have been married two or three years. I wiſh you much happineſs; pray, how d'ye like matrimony?

Ned. In good faith Harry, (ſcrubbing his ſhoulders) but ſo, ſo; however, I will not diſcourage you.

Harry. But don't you remember Ned, that you and I made an agreement, that which of us two was married firſt, ſhould tell one another of the way of courtſhip, and how he lik'd it and a married ſtate.