Page:Young - Outlines of experiments and inquiries respecting sound and light (1800).djvu/50

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respecting Sound and Light.

tions with an aperture .15 in diameter opposed to the stream: C with .3; and D with .5.

Figs. 21–23. A, the half section of a current from a tube .3 in diameter, with a pressure of .5, of 1, and of 3. B shows the course of a portion next the axis of the current, equal in diameter to those represented by the last figures.

Fig. 24. The appearance of a stream of smoke forced very gently from a fine tube. Fig. 25 and 26, the same appearance when the pressure is gradually increased.

Fig. 27. See Section III.

Fig. 28. The perpendicular lines over each division of the horizontal line show, by their length and distance from that line, the extent of pressure capable of producing, from the respective pipes, the harmonic notes indicated by the figures placed opposite the beginning of each, according to the scale of 22 inches parallel to them. The larger numbers, opposite the middle of each of these lines, show the number of vibrations of the corresponding sound in a second.

Figs. 29–33. See Section X.

Fig. 34. The combination of two equal sounds constituting the interval of an octave, supposing the progress and regress of the particles of air equable. Figs. 35, 36, 37, a similar representation of a major third, major tone, and minor sixth.

Fig. 38. A fourth, tempered about two commas.

Fig. 39. A vibration of a similar nature, combined with subordinate vibrations of the same kind in the ratios of 3, 5, and 7.