Page:Young Christian's first lesson-book.pdf/12

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( 12 )

Can by one ſingle word bring down
The talleſt head that wears a crown,
The Stateſman wiſe, the warrior brave,
To moulder in the ſilent grave;
And ſend the wretched ſoul to hell,
To the fierce flames where devils dwell!
For endleſs years to languish there,
In pangs of infinite deſpair!

I then, poor feeble child how ſoon
Muſt I diſſolve before his frown!
And yet his frowns and vengeance too,
I, by my ſins, have made my due.

Is here no hope?—And muſt I die?
Is there no friend no helper nigh?
Is it beyond repeal decreed,
That ev'ry ſoul that ſins muſt bleed?
Oh! let my longing trembling ear
Some found of grace and pardon hear!
My ſoul would the firſt news embrace,
And turn its trembling into praiſe


Of the Goſpel or the Good News of Salvation by Christ.

WHAT joyful tidings do I hear?
'Tis goſpel-grace ſalutes my ear;
And by that gentle found I find
This righteous God is mild and kind.

Jeſus: his only Son, diſplays
The wonders of his Father's grace:
The great ſalvation, long foretold

By Prophets to the Jews of old,