Page:Young Hunters in Porto Rico.djvu/202

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"Bumbum no understand," stammered the native.

"You stole our outfit," came from Robert Menden.

"Bumbum no steal anyt'ing, señor. Bumbum find t'ings on de mountain."

"You can't make us believe that yarn," cried Bob. "You knew the things belonged to us when you took them. You're a first-class sneak."

"Bumbum very honest, señor—nefer take not'ing, nefer!" And the Carib nodded earnestly.

"You took our ten dollars fast enough," said Dick. He turned to the others. "Hadn't he better give that money up?"

"Yes, make him give it ye back," said old Jacob. "He don't deserve a cent." And the others agreed with him.

When the Carib was made to understand what was wanted, bis face grew as dark as the night outside. "You rob poor man—dat no fair," he muttered.

"You are a rascal and ought to be in jail," answered Robert Menden. "Give the boys their money back and be quick about it."

But Bumbum was a miser, and rather than part with a single peseta, he determined to try running away. With a bound he reached the