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the burning brush and hauled it through the open doorway. As soon as he had done this the doctor's son leaped into the cabin and kicked out the rest of the fire. He could stay but a minute, for the smoke almost strangled him. Then Whopper and Giant went in and made certain the fire was out. Soon the smoke commenced to clear away; and the momentary excitement was over.

"Now, what does this mean?" demanded Snap, and his voice was full of anger.

"It means that we have been cleaned out," answered the doctor's son, after a hasty glance around. "Look!"

He pointed to a shelf in a corner on which they had placed some of their stores, and then to the fireplace, and to the log that had contained their cups, plates and cooking utensils. Everything was gone.

"Robbed!" said Whopper, laconically. "What a shame!"

"And they were going to burn down the cabin on us, too," added Giant, bitterly. "I wonder if they touched the boat?"

At this question all ran outside and down to where the Snapper had been tied to an overhanging tree. The rowboat had disappeared.

"Well, if this isn't the limit!" groaned Shep.