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"It seemed to fade away in the air."

"Why didn't you take a shot at it?"

"How can you shoot something you don't see?" demanded Snap, half indignantly. "Just let me spot that ghost and I'll show you what I'll do!"

"Let us keep quiet," suggested Whopper. "Perhaps it will come back."

All sat down around the fire, for further sleep was out of the question. Thus an hour went by, but nothing came to disturb them.

"Looks as if the ghost business was finished for to-night," remarked Shep, glancing around down the mountainside. Then he leaped to his feet. "Oh!"

"What did you see?" demanded the others, leaping up also.

"The ghost!"


"There—down among those tall trees."

"I don't see anything," said Snap, after a careful look.

"It is gone now. Oh, what a looking thing!" The doctor's son was breathing heavily.

"Didn't you imagine it?" asked Giant.

"No, I saw it as plain as day."

"Yellow or white?"