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"But if it's a man what is he playing ghost for?" queried the doctor's son.

"That remains to be found out."

"Your theory is all well enough," said Whopper, "but it doesn't account for the ghostlike voice."

"I know that. Nevertheless, I think that ghost is a man."

The young hunters continued to discuss the situation from all possible points of view. Snap's positive declaration that the ghost was a man made all feel less frightened, and they were anxious to get better acquainted with the apparition.

"If it's a man I'd like to capture him and give him a piece of my mind," said Whopper. "What right has he to roam around like this, frightening everybody he meets?"

"He ordered us away from the mountain. Most likely, if it is a man, he wants this territory to himself," answered Giant.

"That's the way I figure it," said Snap. "He may be crazy and may think he owns the mountains and the lake."

"It couldn't be that old hermit, Peter Peterson, could it?" queried Shep, suddenly.

"That's who it is!" almost shouted Whopper. "It's a trick of his to keep folks away from here."