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"But I'd like to know who taught him to say such awful things and nothing else?"

"Most likely the fellow who is playing ghost," answered Whopper.

"Yes, and that fellow must be close by," ejaculated Giant. "He and the parrot probably traveled together."

"In that case, let us try to find Mr. Ghost," said the doctor's son. Now the mystery of the ghostly voice was explained he was no longer afraid.

"What will we do with the bear?" asked Snap.

It was voted to leave the carcass where it was, and this decided upon, the young hunters looked around for some way of getting down the cliff.

"Here's a rope ladder!" cried Snap. "Boys, do you know what I think?" he added.


"I think we are near to where that ghost lives!"

"Then let us pay him a visit and ask him what he means by his outrageous conduct," answered the doctor's son.

Then all commenced to descend the rope ladder, which led to the bottom of the cliff.