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boathouse. Here they crawled from the water and took to their legs with all the speed at their command. Both were frightened nearly out of their wits, and for the time being paid no attention to the foul-smelling paste and mud that covered them.

"They—they thought we were thi—thieves!" panted Carl, after he and his crony had covered several blocks.

"Yes, and we came near being shot dead!" added Ham.

"I didn't know they were going to stay there to-night."

"Neither did I."

"Those shots will wake up the whole town."

"Yes, and we must get out of sight. Phew! what a smell!"

"They dumped something down on us."

"Must have been rotten eggs. What are we going to do?"

"I don't know—go home, I guess."

"I can't go home looking this way."

"You'll have to go."

"Well, it's lucky they didn't recognize us."

"That's true. But this suit is about ruined."

"So is mine. And we didn't hurt their outfit at all."