Page:Younger Edda (Anderson, 1880).djvu/108

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39. Then said Ganglere: You say that all men who since the beginning of the world have fallen in battle have come to Odin in Valhal. What does he have to give them to eat? It seems to me there must be a great throng of people. Har answered: It is true, as you remark, that there is a great throng; many more are yet to come there, and still they will be thought too few when the wolf comes.[1] But however great may be the throng in Valhal, they will get plenty of flesh of the boar Sahrimner. He is boiled every day and is whole again in the evening. But as to the question you just asked, it seems to me there are but few men so wise that they are able to answer it correctly. The cook's name is Andhrimner, and the kettle is called Eldhrimner, as is here said:

Andhrimner cooks
In Eldhrimner
'Tis the best of flesh.
There are few who know
What the einherjes eat.[2]

  1. The Fenris-wolf in Ragnarok.
  2. Elder Edda: Grimner's Lay, 18.