Page:Younger Edda (Anderson, 1880).djvu/178

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her how that one toe of his had protruded from the basket and had frozen, wherefore Thor had broken it off and cast it up into the sky, and made of it the star which is called Orvandel's toe. Finally he added that it would not be long before Orvandel would come home. But Groa became so glad that she forgot her magic songs, and so the flint-stone became no looser than it was, and it sticks fast in Thor's head yet. For this reason it is forbidden to throw a flint-stone across the floor, for then the stone in Thor's head is moved. Out of this saga Thjodolf of Hvin has made a song :

We have ample evidence
Of the giant-terrifier's[1] journey
To Grjottungard, to the giant Hrungner,
In the midst of encircling flames.
The courage waxed high in Meile's brother;[2]
The moon- way trembled
When Jord's son[3] went
To the steel-gloved contest.

The heavens stood all in flames
For Uller's step-father,[4]
And the earth rocked.
Svolne's[5] widow[6] burst asunder
When the span of goats
Drew the sublime chariot
And its divine master
To the meeting with Hrungner.

  1. Thor's.
  2. Thor.
  3. Jord's (= earth's) son = Thor.
  4. Thor.
  5. Odin's
  6. The earth.