Page:Younger Edda (Anderson, 1880).djvu/190

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Odin's friend got exhausted.
Heavy grew Lopt.
Odin's companion
Must sue for peace.

Hymer's kinsman demanded
That the leader of hosts
The sorrow-healing maid,
Who the asas' youth -preserving apples keeps,
Should bring to him.
Brisingamen's thief
Afterward brought Idun
To the gard of the giant.

Sorry were not the giants
After this had taken place.
Since from the south
Idun had come to the giants.
All the race
Of Yngve-Frey, at the Thing,
Grew old and gray, —
Ugly-looking were the gods.

Until the gods found the blood-dog,
Idun's decoying thrall.
And bound the maid's deceiver,
You shall, cunning Loke,
Spake Thor, die;
Unless back you lead.
With your tricks, that
Good joy-increasing maid.

Heard have I that thereupon
The friend of Honer flew
In the guise of a falcon
(He often deceived the asas with his cunning);
And the strong fraudulent giant.
The father of Morn,
With the wings of the eagle
Sped after the hawk's child.