Page:Younger Edda (Anderson, 1880).djvu/292

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SviAGRis. A ring demanded by the berserks for Rolf Krake.

Svid. A name of Odin.

SviDAR. A name of Odin.

SviDR. A name of Odin.

SviDRE. A name of Odin.

SviDRiR. A name of Odin.

SviDUR. A name of Odin.

SviPDAG. The betrothed of Menglad.

SviPOL. A name of Odin.

SvoL. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

SvoLNE. A name of Odin.

Sylg. a stream flowing from Hvergelmer.

Syn. a minor goddess.

Syr. a name of Freyja.

Tangnjost. ) ^, , ,

TANGRiSNER.f Thor s goats.

Thek. a dwarf; also a name of Odin.

Thjalfe. The name of Thor's man-servant.

Thjasse. a giant; the father of Njord's wife, Skade.

Thjodnuma. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

Thok. Loke in the disguise of a woman.

Thol. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

Thor. Son of Odin and Fjorgyn. The god of thunder.

Thorin. a dwarf.

Thorn. A giant.

Thride. a name of Odin.

Thro. A dwarf; also a name of Odin.

Throin. a dwarf.

Thror. a name of Odin.

Thrud. a Valkyrie.

Thud. A name of Odin.

Thul. a stream flowing from Hvergelmer.

Thund. a name of Odin.

Thvite. a stone used in chaining the Fenris-wolf.

Thyn. One of the streams flowing from Hvergelmer.

Tyr. The one-armed god of war.

Ud. a name of Odin.

Ukko. The god of thunder in Tshudic mythology.

Ukko-Thor. a name for Thor.

Uller. Son of Sif and step- son of Thor.

Urd. The norn of the past.