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“What of it?” replied Peace-Renown quickly. “It’s certain death for the Mongols! That is a more formidable destroyer than they and a destroyer that will aid us. Only listen!” and she glanced about the tent, though no one was there, as if she distrusted even its quietness and emptiness. Then she leaned towards Maxim’s cheek and whispered a few words into his ear.

“As if jerked up by a powerful arm Maxim sprang up so that the chains jingled upon him.

“Girl or jinnee!” he cried, staring at her half-fearfully and half reverently, expecting her to vanish. “Who are you and who has sent you here with such tidings? For now I see that you cannot be Peace-Renown, the daughter of Tuhar Wolf. No, you must surely be the spirit of that great Sentinel whom they call the guardian of Tukhlia.”

“No, Maxim, no, my beloved!” replied the amazing girl.

“It is I, Peace-Renown, the same Peace-Renown who loves you so very, very dearly, who would gladly give up her very life just to make you happy.”

“As if I could ever be happy without you!”

“Wait, Maxim, listen to one more thing I have to tell you, get out of this encampment, right away!”

“How can I get out? The guards are not asleep.”

“The guards will let you pass. You can see for yourself that they let me through. But you must change into my clothes and take this gold signet ring. It was given to me by the commander permitting me the freedom of coming and going among them. If you will show it to the guards they will let you pass.”

“And you?”

“Don’t worry about me. I will remain here with my father.”

“But the Mongols will discover that you let me free and then they will not spare you. Oh no, I don’t want it that way!”