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plainly by this act his scornfully contemptuous attitude towards the entire populace and its folk-court.

“We called you here to appear before the folk-court so that before we pass judgment on your past conduct we might hear what you have to say in your own behalf. By what right and for what purpose are you trying to wrong the people of this community?”

“Tried before the folk-court?” repeated the boyar in mock surprise, turning his face towards Zakhar. “I am in the service of the king, a boyar. No one has the authority, outside the king or another boyar, to prosecute me.”

“As to whose servant you are, Boyarin, we shall not question you, that does not concern us. As to your rights we will discuss them later. For now, please be so good as to tell us from where you came to our village?”

“From the capital of the principality, Halich.”

“And who ordered you to come here?”

“Your master and my master, king Danilo Romanowich.”

“Speak for yourself and not for us, Boyarin! We are free people and acknowledge no master. And why did your master order you to come to our village?”

The boyar’s face flushed with anger at Zakhar’s sharply spoken words. He paused a moment undecided whether to go on answering his cross-examiner or not. Then checking his anger, he continued quickly, to cover up his untimely break, “He appointed me the guardian of his dominion and his subjects, the warlord, defender and chief of the Tukholian region and granted to me and my heirs forever, the right to settle on Tukholian soil as a reward for my many years of unfailing service.”

“Here is the deed of his grant with his seal and his signature upon it!” With these words the boyar withdrew his hand from inside his wide leather belt and magnanimously brought