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and developments. Nor do I think it is right to despise the good because it is old or to think a thing is evil because it is new. This is the custom only among young men and at that among poorly trained youths. You are trying to tell me that I don’t know what is going on around us? At the same time I am wondering which of us knows more and in greater detail exactly what is transpiring?”

“You have reminded me of the deadly enemy which threatens us from the East, by expressing the idea that you plan to stem the advance of this enemy through the combined might of all the people held in one set of hands. Now I will tell you what I know of that enemy!”

“Isn’t it true, Boyarin, that yesterday the king’s messenger came to you to inform you of a renewed attack by the terrible Mongols on our Rus-Ukraine; that they, after a long siege took Kiev, ruined and plundered it and now like an enormous black storm cloud are moving towards our Red Rus? We, Boyarin, knew all this for a week already and knew that the king’s messenger had been dispatched to these parts, as well as what his message contained. The king’s messenger was delayed, ours traveled faster. The Mongols have long ago entered our Red Rus, plundered and devastated many cities and villages and separated themselves into two armies. One went west, perhaps to Seudomir in Poland and the other to the upper stretches of the Strey valley into our section. Isn’t it true, Boyarin, that you did not know this?”

Tuhar Wolf stared at old Zakhar in astonishment.

“I may as well inform you further, so you will know how close is our cooperative alliance with various neighboring communities, that we hold reciprocal agreements with all of them including the Sub-Carpathian municipalities to relay to each other as rapidly as possible all important news affecting the welfare of the entire Carpathian region. These Sub-Carpathian municipalities are likewise in concord with others, the