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The services ended, and the remainder of the feast being all removed, a silver basin with water was presented to Markos. The bishop slowly and carefully washed his hands, and dried them in a white napkin. Sergius produced a splendidly bound copy of the New Testament. Pietro and the other candidates entered the inner circle, and knelt on cushions. Markos, taking the New Testament, open at the gospel of John, solemnly exhorted the candidates to place all their faith in the Paracletos, and all hope of their souls’ salvation in God and the grace of the Paracletos. Then placing the book on the head of each, he repeated the Lord’s prayer over each seven times, the last clause being rendered, “in order that thine may be the kingdom, and the glory forever.” The bishop then read the gospel of John from the words “In the beginning,” to the words, inclusive, “Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” Then other prayers followed. A kiss of peace on the lips administered by Markos to each, accompanied by a gentle breathing, closed the solemn ordinance whereby the candidates were admitted to the orders they sought, Pietro becoming a “Filius Major,” and a “Perfectus,” that is a priest in orders without reference to the modifications of his belief. Few at that time did insist sharply on technical points of faith, and the purpose of this special service became more clearly revealed in the address that followed, at an exhortation meeting held during the afternoon.

“Brethren in the Lord,” said Bishop Markos, “you have asked of me counsel in this hour of threatened