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by the assertion that he offers Christ or—blasphemy!—that he can make Christ on the altar. No second Calvary can be so long as the world lasts. We receive the bread and the wine without caviling or sophistries or prevarication about “whole Christ;” because the Master instituted bread and wine, and no man can be presumptuous enough to change the form that the master himself sanctified and ordained. Likewise I would, brethren, in all charity, suggest that the custom of removing portions of the bread be discontinued; with some the custom has given rise to an unwise use that tends to superstition. Many other subjects I might allude to. But as these are the essentials, let us devote ourselves in these most menacing times to the salvation of souls, to the purification of hearts and homes, to the education of the young in truth, industry, and charity. Let us cultivate sound knowledge in all useful arts and sciences; and ‘let us labor with our hands in that which is good that we may haveto give to him that needeth.’ Time presses, brethren. I may never see you again in the flesh; but you will need all faith and duty. A new power has arisen in close alliance with the scarlet woman of the seven hills; and I fear that these countries, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Thrace, Lombardy, Italy, Dalmatia, Carinthia, Poland, Bohemia Moravia, Hungary will form the special field for the cruel persecutions of the new alliance. In these lands an unbroken chain of belief has testified since Apostolic days; and the spirit of Antichrist will now sweep over them in fury and blood. Be prepared,