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provinces of Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola were formally conferred on Otakar by the emperor Richard of Cornwall, who had as good a right to do that as his majesty has to confer one of these provinces on you. The gift, likewise, was wholly untainted by family preference.” “Take the boy,” interposed Rudolph sharply. “You are his guardian and your responsibility is your own.” A significant look accompanied the words; and Otto soon withdrew from Iglau, taking young Wenzel in his train.

The queen entertained her own circle, chiefly Bohemian lords. Her accumulating difficulties directed the conversation towards the fortunes of the dynasty and the Kingdom; and various groups apart studied surrounding conditions, and their own prospects.

“Your counsel is much needed, Lord Zawis!” exclaimed Kunigunde. “Bohemia requires the devotion of her sons and I am sure yours will not be wanting.”

“The throes of Bohemia wring my heart, gracious lady,” replied Zawis. “So soon as the present tempest sweeps over, and we can again concentrate the scattered force of the country, I shall not fail to respond to the pressing requirements of my position. Among our first duties must be the task of providing adequate provision for the widow of our deceased sovereign. If my counsel and aid can be of any service they are most cheerfully at your command.”

“You have my most grateful recognition of your generous and dutiful engagement, good Lord Zawis,” answered the queen. “Every sentiment of knightly de-