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On the return of Lord Zawis and his party to the castle, Teresa welcomed them with much obeisance. Not one of the household knew of her absence and its purpose better than Eudocia. At the earliest moment arrangements were perfected to relieve the garrison of all unnecessary persons. Prokop remained in the character of pedagogue tothe retainers’ children, a person then very generally employed by wealthy laymen who desired instruction for their households in other branches than those adapted to train priests, which now almost universally constituted the sole knowledge imparted in conventual or cathedral schools. The principle enounced by Thomas Aquinas and Roger Bacon, that science is only the handmaid of theology, had become the controlling doctrine, as it is tothis day in similar establishments. It subordinates the entire faculties of every student to the service of the church in every sphere of life. The total destruction of a multitude of Bohemian homes created impromptu camps on mountains, and in forests throughout many parts of Bohemia. The animosity created by Rudolph and his emissaries spread also hostility to the church. Disorder, destitution, and disease, already began their ravages. Among