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from being taken. In great anger the now aroused townsmen assailed the flagellant fanatics; and under, the guidance and leadership of an old man with streaming white hair, drove the disordered rabble with fierce blows and wounds and desperate menaces far from the town. Brother Primus and Secundus retired a short distance, and quietly requested from the magistrates additional guards to quell the commotion that had arisen, and now resisted the royal commands. They also demanded special protection for themselves, particularly from the violence of Boppo, Solomon, and others whom they designated, and also instant refreshments, provision, and secure lodging. A public meeting immediately held selected a deputation to proceed to Ofen to lay the dreadful occurrence before King Ladislaus.

Robberies and disorder among the hungry multitude created angry disturbance; and when the still tumultuous throng departed much of the bazaar and many houses had been pillaged. Fires also broke out that required much labor, and created further losses and distress. In twelve short hours the thriving town of Gran, that had just reached the verge of steady and permanent prosperity, but had accumulated little, became as if visited again by the Tartars. With admirable foresight, the magistrates divided the people into sections, each with a prescribed duty. Some provided lodging for the homeless. Others removed the rubbish and prepared for rebuilding; and a chosen body tenderly gathered up the ashes where Pietro. Eu-