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these conditions, Drda proceeded to Rudolph’s camp in Moravia. The emperor felt compelled to adopt some energetic measures to expel the plunderers, who still devastated wherever anything remained to seize. Drda experienced some difficulty in obtaining an audience. Not until after the arrival of an expected cavalcade from Hungary did Rudolph choose to receive the envoy. On entering, Drda found the emperor seated in company with Nicolas of Troppau, son of Otakar, and Bishop Bruno.

The three personages regarded Drda with hostility mingled with disdain.

“State your errand briefly,“exclaimed the emperor.

“I come to solicit imperial protection against enemies both within and without the dominions of Bohemia,” replied Drda. “The country necessarily appeals to imperial power now that other strength has failed.”

“I am credibly informed that certain robbers have fortified their castles to a dangerous degree recently,” added the emperor, “and that combinations by marriage and otherwise have been formed in opposition to our interests, and without our permission.”

“As the imperial troops afforded not sufficient protection,” answered Drda, “some have taken the precaution of rendering their defenses equal to their danger.”

“Our representative would surely have furnished sufficient aid,” added the emperor.

“The Bishop Eberhard is inaccessible,” replied Drda. “His methods are harsh; and during his government the last mark from our treasury has disappeared.