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“Your highness failed to interpose in behall of a nobleman who knows how to bear himself bravely both in battle and the tournament,” answered Drda, “and therefore you impliedly cast on me the duty of upholding the cause of my friend.”

“What further would you?” asked Rudolph.

“I would inquire if your highness proposes to demand reparation for the murder of Bohemian subjects recently slain in Hungary.”

“King Ladislaus is master in his own dominions. His alliance is important; and all persons must beware how they expose themselves to the penalties enacted against offenses.”

“Those persons suffered the death due to their odious character and pernicious practices,” observed Bruno.

“You will fully inform Duke Nicolas of the condition of the fortresses I have named,” said Rudolph.

“And I must refer your highness to the lord of those castles,” quietly answered Drda.

“Then I remit you to prison until my further pleasure,” decided the emperor; and Drda found the sentence promptly executed by his removal and incarceration at Olmütz. Here he continued, his position utterly unknown, cheered only by the hope that the force of events, culminating in the restoration of young Wenzel to the throne, might decide his fate.

Slowly Bohemia emerged into life. Communications between Hungary and Moravia grew less frequent, and more interrupted. A son born to Zawis and Kunigunde occasioned congratulations in