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such sentiments and such expression of them could rightfully and worthily be addressed. Permit me to add, that I trust three such distinguished personages will deign to favor me still further, with the expression of your wise counsel, so soon as we can have provided such entertainment as is fitting.”

The best resources of Hungary furnished a royal banquet; and Ladislaus had acquired sufficient knowledge of Jewish and Islamite abhorrence of the forbidden quadruped carefully to banish every, even indirect viand of that quality from the bountiful repast. “Pardon our national custom,” said Ladislaus, in having his first measure of wine poured. “I drink to your best health, highness, and valiant lords and gentlemen.”

Abraham and Solomon permitted a portion of wine to be set before each of them; and as Ladislaus drank to their health they raised the cup to their lips, allowing the wine barely to touch, but did not taste. This concession, the highest compliment they could offer, afforded Ladislaus and Witek perfect gratification; as on this point alone they had apprehended a slight fissure in the otherwise firm and placid surface of friendly harmony. Ladislaus and his lords were prepared, in perfect candor, to accept such expression of statesmanship as their guests might be pleased to present.

“Your highness,” said Ladislaus, “has traveled and observed in the east, and west, and south. From the north at present I anticipate nothing. Perhaps you will favor us with your judgment of the political