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the marsh; and I sat and enjoyed it without mantle or other protection. I now fear that some magician has infused his malicious arts into the breeze and sent them hither to bewitch me.”

“And it is in the swamps that spirits do arise and congregate, and perform their demontiacal orgies,” said Tertius eagerly. “Here they dance their sabbazia dance, and hold their satanic revels; here they erect their throne with a baboon-faced monster for king of the feast, and with other shameful exhibitions; and here they burn their magical compounds; from here they transmit their poison vapors that roll along with fiendish shapes; and here they burn the image of the victim of their diabolism; here they worship Hecate, until drunk with fury and debauchery they hide themselves in thickets until the Aurora expels them with its dawning.”

“I have heard of these ‘Sabbata,’” replied Judith.

“And it is these that Zawis and his crew have harbored and encouraged,” replied Tertius. “Long has the church condemned these revelings of Satan, and proscribed them. Jews and sorcerers have diffused this worst of all heresy, until now it has penetrated even our palace, and made yout highness its victim.”

“We must counteract sorcery with sorcery,” interposed Nicolas. “I believe I know a skillful practitioner in antidotes; and I will take steps to secure your highness’ apartments from the assaults of such witchery, so soon as magister Tertius shall have concluded the exercise that is prescribed.”

“I am informed,” said Judith, “of an intended gift