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fied at being able to testify to your highness in person her appreciation of your gracious presence, and her fidelity to your royal eminence. With profound respect we join in soliciting the presence of our sovereign and his consort.”

Having concluded this address, Zawis then unrolled a long, delicate and most elaborate lace veil of exquisite beauty of material and of texture. Presenting it most cordially to the queen, Zawis said: “We respectfully tender to your highness a testimonial of our homage and esteem, and of our duty to our prince and his consort.”

Judith shrank from the splendid gift with horror, exclaiming, “Touch me not with the accursed token of your magic and your sorcery. Let some attendant thrust the satanic device with rude weapon into the flames.” Instantly two guards with their axe pikes plucked the beautiful present from the hands of the amazed donor, and with many thrusts and stabs tearing it into sections forced the friendly offering into the burning brazier. Instantly the queen and her attendants retired; and nine stalwart guards seized the indignant Zawis and attempted to pinion his arms. Long and desperately did the gallant knight struggle with his captors.

Three fell dead before his blows, two more lay wounded; but overborne by numbers, and fainting with loss of blood, at last the confiding victim found himself heavily manacled and a close captive ina dungeon in the White Tower of the Burgate.

A long swoon caused by excessive bleeding relieved