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body of troops intended by the emperor to enforce the orders already issued respecting the subjugation of Zawis’ retainers, who showed strong signs of resistance.

The diet at Erfurt, which began its sessions at Christmas 1289, continued until mid-lent of the following year. During this somewhat stormy period politically within the empire, Rudolph heard a multitude of local complainings. Robber knights abounded in that region. An order to pursue and apprehend many of these freebooters compelled the emperor to proceed for a short period to Ilmenau. Here his chief force had assembled; and twenty-nine predatory chiefs, or poor knights who would gladly have fought as Rudolph did against the Prussians under Otakar, suffered the extreme penalty of imperial displeasure. At this place Boppo encountered a large number of pleading wives and children, of interested barons and landholders, of merchants whose property these free lances protected while they plundered that of competitors, all clamorous for imperial clemency. Between these counter applications, expressed with an energy and clamor long disused on such occasions. Rudolph found himself harassed, and in an unamiable temper. He was, however, candid; saying to each and all, “The sword was not put into the hands of gentlemen to oppress but to, protect; not to maintain violence, but to promote justice. The noble and the commoner must abstain from wrongdoing alike, the former all the more as they are noble.”