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Wenzel dispatched Jaroslav to Fürstenberg with instructions to observe and report the proceedings around that fortress. With Jaroslav and a few others,—close relations of persons in the same neighborhood—departed also several women; and the company soon rejoined Lord Boppo and his party. Approaching Fürstenberg, several of these persons purposely fell to the rear and disappeared. As they neared the fortress all eyes gazed on a dreadful scene.

In presence of the garrison who still held gates closed, and in fact all access barred, a number of ballistæ for the discharge of stone had been drawn up. Breastworks for the partial protection of bowmen sharpshooters had been erected. Seeing these preparations, the garrison hurled a defiance. On observing this proceeding, and expecting immediate hostilities, Duke Nicolas ordered a special guard to produce the wasted but still defiant person of Lord Zawis, to be fastened toa stake in the immediate front of the chief center of attack. A shout of rage, and the confusion of irresolution at once checked the operations of the defenders.